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Pengertian Dynamic Routing dan kelebihan-kekurangan

Pengertian Dynamic Routing dan kelebihan-kekurangan       Pengertian Dynamic Routing Routing  adalah sebuah proses untuk meneruskan  paket-paket jaringan  dari satu  jaringan  ke jaringan lainnya melalui sebuah  internetwork .  Routing  juga dapat merujuk kepada sebuah metode penggabungan beberapa jaringan sehingga paket-paket data dapat hinggap dari satu jaringan ke jaringan selanjutnya. Untuk melakukan hal ini, digunakanlah sebuah perangkat jaringan yang disebut sebagai  router . Router -  router  tersebut akan menerima paket-paket yang ditujukan ke jaringan di luar jaringan yang pertama, dan akan meneruskan paket yang ia terima kepada router lainnya hingga sampai kepada tujuannya. Router dinamis adalah router yang me-rutekan jalur yang dibentuk secara otomatis oleh router itu sendiri sesuai dengan konfigurasi yang dibuat. Jika ada perubahan topologi antar jaringan, router otomatis akan membuat ruting ...



This is the month of Ramadan that I miss so much. I always miss how my mother woke me up at the time of dawn, the sound of relentless recitation every night, the atmosphere of prayer in congregation in the mosque which is always crowded, and many more.

Finally it was time for me to have to fast. Indeed, in the first week of fasting is so heavy, maybe because my body is not used to doing it. But because there is no school activity, I can still run everything well. When sahur, my mother woke me up at 3 am, in the first days of fasting it was very difficult to wake up at that time. I feel like I want to sleep again because I'm sleepy. But mother reminded me that this was the month I missed, the month I was waiting for. When I remembered that, I rushed to the bathroom to wash my face and finally the drowsiness disappeared.

Me, my father and my sister together went to the mosque to perform the morning prayer. Every Ramadan month, the mosque is always crowded with worshipers at dawn prayers, and sure enough, this time at dawn prayer on the first day of Ramadan up to 5 shaf.

When the Asr prayer was held at the mosque. I went with my friends to play or we used to say with ngabuburit

It didn't feel like that afternoon. I saw my watch, it was 5:30 it turned out. I hurried home because I had to help the mother prepare fasting meals.

My activities in the month of Ramadan stopped after I performed tarawih prayers and did tadarus at the mosque. Usually, I just returned home at 10:00 p.m.

Thank you, friends, for reading all of this, hopefully your Ramadan is also fun.😁😁😁


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